Answer the questionaire and you get evaluation of your mental skills!

Answer the questionnaire as honestly as possible

We analyse your answers

Fill your email

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Volleyball requires mental strengths. A player can be strong on some area but weak on other. First step is to identify strengths and challenges. The survey is divided into several sections, which always represent one aspect of mental skills. Mental skills can be trained like your volleyball skills. 

The survey is designed to increase self-awareness and find out which mentals skills you want to work on. 



1. I worry about making mistakes

2. I have a very difficult time letting go after mistakes that I have made

3. I bounce back quickly after mistakes

4. I dwell on mistakes and carry them with me to the next play

5. I feel myself as a confident player

6. When we are not playing well, I get negative and get down on myself

7. During the game I project a confident image regardless of the score

8. At critical times in games I find myself thinking negatively

9. I find myself getting too nervous/anxious before/during games

10. I perform best under pressure

11. I find it difficult to get energized to play lesser team

12. I have poor focus when game is in a critical moment

13. I get distracted during a match

14. I think too much during the game

15. Poor officiating (calls), rowdy spectators, or opponents behaviour takes me off my game

16. I get anxious (hope I don't choke) the crazier it gets in competition (score, opponent behaviour)

17. I am a slow starter, meaning that it takes me a while to get into the rhythm of the game

18. I use a set pre-practice or pre-game routine to improve readiness

19. My mind wanders to end results and I have trouble focusing on the process of playing well

20. I mentally picture me how I will do in the game or practice before actual practice and games

21. I consistently train at high level of intensity

22. I find myself going thru different game strategy images and how to perform during training sessions

23. I focus well in practice/games even when I have problems in my life outside of sports

24. When I practice, I have specific purpose or goal to accomplish

25. I use body moves between sets or during the game (especially when I am tired or frustrated with the past shifts or playing)

26. Observers can tell from my body language that I made a mistake or the team is playing poorly

27. My coaches and other players can tell by my body language and behaviour that I am frustrated and upset

28. If I am having difficulty with my play, I take it out on other players or coaches